Friday, November 19, 2010

Timaree Eileen Schlueter

Timaree Eileen Schlueter was born after 11 hours of labor. Contractions began around 6:30pm while Kirk and I were having dinner. At around 10:30pm we left the house and began the 45 minute drive to the hospital. I was admitted to the hospital around midnight and delivered Timaree at 5:32am on Monday, November 8th. She weighted 7lbs. 13oz. and was 20 inches long.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

37 Weeks

All I can say is life has a plan for you. I have spent the last three school years trying to get a contracted teaching job without success. And what do you know, I finally signed a teaching contract one month before I am due. It was interesting signing the paperwork for higher and maternity leave at the same time. I have been working with my class since the beginning of the school year but now I am official. I am a morning Kindergarten teacher! The best part is that I will get to be home in the afternoons with the little one. I am doing well overall. I have been have contractions on a consistent basis for a week. I guess we will see what happens.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

34 Weeks Pregnant

The last week has been going great. I am extremely busy! I am teaching AM kindergarten, Kirk is working nights, and I still have a lot to keep up with on base. We went to the Air Force Ball which was a lot of fun! I also attended the Birth Plan class which would have been interesting except for the young girl in the class that asked a million questions like "how will I know if my water breaks"? Uhmmm, let me think....when you feel like you peed your pants! Below are a few pictures from the Ball. Next week I have a midwife appointment and we should know more.

Julia, Me, and Kim

Kirk and I

My huge belly!

Friday, September 10, 2010

32 Weeks Pregnant

This week has been going by quickly. Kirk is finally home and should be home for a little while! I had a midwife appointment yesterday and everything was great. I am on track and my glucose tests all came back normal. I also started substitute teaching again this week. I am really tired when I get home but it is great to be back in the classroom. I am feeling really big these days and can't imagine getting any larger. I will have to upload a picture soon.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

31 Weeks Pregnant

Everything here has been going amazing! I am doing really well and feel great. Kirk has been gone a lot. I miss him and wish he could be home more but I have a great group of friends from the spouses group. I am uploading a couple pictures from the baby shower I had here in Washington. I could not have asked for a better day. It was sunny and we were able to enjoy the great weather during the shower.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

28 Weeks Pregnant

This week was a busy week. I had an ultra sound on Tuesday to monitor the low lying placenta, which is no longer low lying! The placenta has migrated away from the cervix and everything is looking great. On Wednesday I had an appointment with the midwife and glucose testing. Everything was wonderful at the midwife appointment and I should find out the glucose test results soon. I have uploaded a few of the latest ultra sound pictures of Baby T. It was amazing to see the baby again and share that experience with Kirk since he has missed all of the other ultra sound appointments. The baby is projected to way around 2 lbs. 9oz. which is triple its size at the last ultra sound. The baby can keep growing all it wants as long as it stops around the 7 lbs. range and does not get as big as Kirk's birth weight.

Profile of Baby T with hand by mouth

Profile of right leg and foot

Right foot

Right arm flexed

Sunday, August 1, 2010

26 Weeks Pregnant

This week was a great week overall. I am not sleeping as well; it is hard to stay comfortable. Kirk should be coming home soon and I am excited to show him the Cheetah picture in the baby's room. He asked where the cheetahs were when I kept adding giraffes. I also went to prenatal yoga again today. I always feel great after I leave! Here is a picture of my not so cute anymore belly.

My belly at 26 wks. 3 days

The Cheetah picture for Kirk