Saturday, April 24, 2010

12 Weeks Pregnant

This week was especially difficult as I was working full time, orchestrated cheerleading tryouts at the high school, and came down with a nasty cold. All I can say is thank god Kirk was home. I have the best husband, who made this week possible. I also went to a JBF consignment sale and was able to find some amazing deals on a few baby items. Above is a picture of my little bump at 12 weeks.

Consignment Sale Finds:

Now we can go hiking as a family...Kirk already knows he will have to carry the little one!
I found an infant bounce seat and a play mat...

and a brand new Baby Bjorn that was only $20.00! I love a good deal.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Eleven Week Appointment

This appointment was really nice because Kirk was actually able to go with me! We were able to hear the heart beat for the first time which was really exciting! The hear beat was between 156-158 beats per minute and the midwife could tell that the baby was moving and kicking by different sounds on the Doppler. Good for the baby but bad for me was that I had gained another two pounds...the nurse made fun of me for even being concerned about wait gain. I guess I am just going to have to get used to that.