Saturday, May 1, 2010

13 Weeks Pregnant

On Friday I had an ultra sound to check up on the baby and look for genetic disorders like Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida. The ultra sound lasted around 20 minutes and was amazing. The baby was extremely active: rolling, kicking, turning, and sucking its fingers. I did not receive any pictures but the baby was between 7 to 8 cm from the butt to the top of the head. That measurement puts the babies growth around 14 weeks. I cannot describe how exciting it was to see the baby move around so much, I wish Kirk could have been there! I will receive results from all the genetic testing late in the second trimester, so everyone just needs to pray for a healthy baby. I am still doing great and am not having any real problems. Just the normal indigestion and exhaustion. I think after some of the pregnancy stories I have heard that I am really lucky!

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