Friday, June 25, 2010

21 Weeks Pregnant

This week has been a rush of finishing up the school year and flying to Alabama to visit Kirk. I officially had my first day of pregnancy hormones! After traveling all day to get to Alabama I was at my limit and started the on slot of crying for no real reason. I cried because I was hungry, because my flight was delayed, because I got lost driving to Maxwell AFB, because I missed my cats, and because I had to sleep on the other side of the bed. The last of which prompted Kirk to ask me if I was really crying because I had to sleep on the other side of the bed which then started the laughing hysterically and crying combination. Which only got worse when Kirk asked "What is wrong with you?". All I can say is I had enough hormonal breakdowns in one day to last the entire pregnancy. Other than the day of hormones, my visit to Alabama has been great and I have really enjoyed being able to spend time with Kirk. I have also been doing well and going for walks everyday and enjoying the sun.

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