Sunday, July 25, 2010

25 Weeks Pregnant

I am continuing to do great! Sometimes I even forget that I am pregnant until I see my BIG belly. Kirk left on Tuesday which has made the week a long one. He is doing well. We are trying to buy a Chevy Equinox....sounds a lot easier than it really has been. We are very particular and cannot find one that is identical to our wish list, but I think we have a winner. Only problem is, the Equinox is in Ballwin, MO. We will see how that goes! I was off of my routine this week which makes me feel like I get little accomplished. This is a new week and back being busy. I hope everyone has a great time at the Lake. Wish I could be there with everyone.
My belly at 25 wks. 3 days
A picture of the nursery
A picture of the dots in the nursery
The baby's name will go where the picture is above the crib.

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